happyinschool project

Statistics show that children with special educational needs account for almost half of all exclusions in schools. Or to put it another way, children with S.E.N.D. are six times more likely to be excluded.

Guidelines in the S.E.N.D Code of practice and ultimately the Equality Act 2010 are designed to provide equality of opportunity and prevent children with disabilities from being discriminated against in the classroom. It’s a large and complex area which is why we are keen to share our experience to empower other parents to work collaboratively with schools or early years settings when things are going wrong.

Does your child:

*Constantly get into trouble at school/playgroup or disrupt lessons?
*Appear anxious or emotional about going to school?
*Repeatedly get excluded?
*Have an Education, Health Care plan (EHCP)?
*Have an undiagnosed mental health issue or learning difficulty?

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’ the H.I.S. Project can help. A six-week programme, delivered through a series of interactive and dynamic workshops, the H.I.S. Project will provide you or your organisation with practical skills and knowledge you can put into practice immediately with the children in your care.

If you are interested in finding out more OR would like to register your interest, please get in touch using the CONTACT form.


© Suzy Rowland